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על דא ועל הא בעולם ובשכונה

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there are two very strong points that can NOT washed away or argued:

1. The winning countries and the League of Nation votes on 4/25/1920 is very legal and according to the UN charter cannot be altered

San Remo 4/25/1920 - The Victories powers of WW1 (England, France, Italy, Japan and the USA as an observer

This is the key to the understanding of the:

Allocation made in San Remo, Italy on April 25, 1920 to the total area of ME

World’s recognition to Israel’s rights to the land

This is a full and legal decision voted on by the League of Nations where the Arabs were represented by King Physal

2. May 1948 – many conceptions were presented to the Arabs but…. No surprise they rejected all of them (including the Partition Plan of two countries for to people) and the Day after the Deceleration of independence, Israel was attacked by 7 countries and they lost!!!

In good English you would say, sorry charily you lost … fuckoff; this is the only case in history that the winning party go’s on its knees to reach peace

Israel fought Egypt – 4 times, Syria – 3, Iraq – 2,

Lebanon – 4, Jordan - 2

Validation of the claims for who owns Israel:

1. Religious/ Biblical

2. Historic, since 1312 were recognized as people

3. Napoleon 4/20/1700-The Deceleration of the Jewish Nation

Napoleon was at the gates of Acco he was sure that he will conquer the city and continue to Jerusalem which was only one day away from Acco

Napoleon in 4/20/1700-prepared a special document once he thought he will take Jerusalem … The Deceleration of the Jewish Nation, this was a very special paper that gave explanation “the Jewish people were pushed out of their home land and are dispersed 3000 years, it is the right moment to acknowledge the undisputable ties between the Jewish people and the holy land the land of Israel, unfortunately it did not work out the way Napoleon planed his move and Brits were stronger, Napoleon was defatted and never reached Jerusalem

The document The Deceleration of the Jewish Nation was hidden some where in the France government archives until recently (3-5 years ago)

4. Legal - San Remo 4/25/1920 - The Victories powers of WW1 (England, France, Italy, Japan and the USA as an observer

This is the key to the understanding of the:

Allocation of the Middle East territories made in San Remo, Italy on April 25, 1920 to the total area of ME. Where Sudia’s Kink Phaysal was a full partner of the agreement

World’s recognition to Israel’s rights to the land

1896 – Herzl

1897 – Basel

1917 – Balfur announced the support for a Jewish State, a National Home for the Jewish people

1919 – The five winning /leading countries that won World War I: USA, UK, France, Japan, Italy met in Versay for 6 months in 1919, also none as the Peace Committee

The covenant league of Nations Article 22 the secret trust

1920 – San Remo – received the international understanding to the legal right to the place and Jews were recognized for the historical facts

There was a full understanding in Paris between Witzman and Fhisal

Fhisal wanted a big Arab country and all Plantain West of the river Jordan and East of the river were allocated to the Jews and W & F supported one another

And this was how Iraq, Syria and Lebanon were created, the were carved out of Turkey, San Remo gave the mandate over Palestine, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon to

GB and France

1920 - Was a big achievement for the Jews people, a full recognition of the rights to their historical home land!

1921 - A conflict of understanding developed between France and GB and under great pressure Churchill took bank the land east of the River Jordan and gave it to the Hashemite Tribe

4/1949 – As seas fire was reached between Israel and Jordan = GREEN LINE = Military Demarcation, it was a temporary and had no legal bearing

1988 – Jordan and Israel peace agreement was reached

Gaza Strip – in the past when Mark twine visited the area and other visitors 150 years a go the population was 550 families half were Jewish Farmers and the rest were Merchants, traders- there were no Arabs

1993 at the Oslo Peace conference Israel received to control over Gaze coastline 40km in to the sea

3. We have the Biblical, moral, and historical rights to the land we have the deed,

This is a very important part of Israel’s modern history that many are trying to ignore

4. May 14, 1948

The Biblical and Historical facts:

1800 BC Abraham is called to Ur [אור כשדים] to make him a great nation and

Give him the land

1700 BC Children of Israel [Jacob] go to Egypt to live because Joseph is

Their in charge of the government and Israel has draught

1300 BC Moses leads the Hebrews out of Egypt into Sinai and God promises

To be their יהווה

Between these two eras the Hebrews exodus Sinai where the form

Of Israel is formed

1000-920 BC King David and King Solomon Rulership

922 BC Israel splits to the Northern Kingdom [Israel] and the Southern

Kingdom [Judea] which actually survived

587 BC Judea is conquered by the Babylonians and explained there

Captivity as suffering because they broke God’s law

537 BC under the Persian rule the Hebrews were given back the religious

Freedom [not political], the refused to mix cultures

331 BC Persians rule falls to Greece, Alexander the Great, and Jews are

Involved in Hellenistic culture, great thinkers and art

168BC Antiochus IV, Greek ruler forbid Jews to practice circumcision, keep

The Shabbat, destroyed copies of the Torah, turned the Jewish

Temple to Greek temple and erected there the God Zeus. This

Leads to the Macabim to revolt

143-63 BC Obtain political freedom

63 BC Jews under Romans rule. Pompeii killed by Julius Caesar

The real facts:

· The ten Commandments were given to Moses on Mount Sinai 1512 BC

This was the greatest Jewish gift to the World the basis for humanity

· Israel turned into a nation in 1312 BC - 2000 Years before Islam

· Jews already lived in the Holy Land in 1211 BC this was established when the Scrolls were found near the Dead Sea

· Exodus was 1280bc-1211bc some where between those 70 Years

· In the last 2262 years Israel lost its independence to foreign adversaries during different times which lasted for a total of 1800 years and was devastating. We were independent only three times and now for the last 62 years totaling only 462 years. But we have a special opportunity to insure our 62 years continues to last.

· Arab refugees in Israel started to identify as Palestinians only in 7/1967 2 decades after the establishment of modern Israel and not one Day before!

· In 1272 BC the Jews ruled the land for 1000 years and there was a Jewish continuity of 3,300

Years, the only Arab ruling was in 635 BC for 22 years

· In all the 3,300 years Jerusalem was the Jews and no once ells even when Jordan controlled


· Jerusalem appears over 700 times in the Bible, the Koran even not once. Judea 877 Samaria 123

· Jews pray face Jerusalem, Muslims face Mecca

In the last 2262 years Israel lost its independence to foreign adversaries during different times which lasted for a total of 1800 years and was devastating. We were independent only three times and now for the last 62 years totaling only 462 years. But we have a special opportunity to insure our 64 years continues to last.

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